愛滋病自我檢測 HIV Self-test


For an HIV self-test, the person has to collect sample, perform the test, and interpret the result on his own. As most of the self-tests are done at home, it is also known as home-test. You can choose your own time and place where you feel comfortable and uninterrupted to do the test.

口腔液測試 Oral fluid test
採集樣本 Sample口腔液 Oral fluid
樣本採集位置 Location of sample collection口腔 Mouth
會導致小傷口? Will cause a small wound?不會 No
結果等候時間 Waiting time for result20分鐘 minutes
最長結果閱讀時間(由測試開始起計) Longest time for reading result (since start of test)40分鐘 minutes
靈敏度 (HIV感染者檢測結果為陽性的比例) Sensitivity (Rate of positive results among HIV-infected persons)99.4%
特異度 (非感染者檢測結果為陰性的比例) Specificity (Rate of negative results among HIV-uninfected persons)99.0%
經世衞預先審核 Prequalified by WHO是 Yes

口腔液測試的簡易說明 Brief Steps of Oral Fluid Test

測試套裝內附有詳細使用方法。 Detailed steps included in the brochure inside the test kit.

Take out the buffer bottle from the package. Erect it and remove the cap. Do not pour the liquid inside the bottle.
Push the bottle into the stand.
Take out the test device. Do not touch the flat pad with anything.
Press the flat pad firmly against your upper gum and swab along once and then repeat against your lower gum once.
Insert the flat pad into the bottle until it touches the bottom.
Wait for 20 minutes for reading the result but not later than 40 minutes.

閱讀結果的簡易說明 Brief Steps of Reading Test Result

注意: C和T的方向可能和上圖不一樣,請留意C和T在測試裝置的位置。
Please be noted that the position of C and T in the test kit may be different from the above illustration.

Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

電郵地址 Enquiry: hello [at] test4you.online

香港中文大學 – 新界東醫院聯網臨床研究倫理 聯席委員會被授權在有需要時審視個人資料藉以評估研究倫理。

如果你有更多關於臨床研究倫理相關問題,請與該委員會聯繫(電郵 crec [at] cuhk.edu.hk)。

The Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong – New Territories East Cluster (CUHK-NTEC) Clinical Research Ethics Committee is authorized to access the subjects' records related to the study for ethics review purpose.

For enquiry regarding clinical research ethics, please contact the committee at crec [at] cuhk.edu.hk.